AYSO offers Regional Commissioner and Area Director training in a combination of delivery modes designed to provide the best learning options including standalone online modules for key “need-to-know” information, guidelines and policies, and attendee focused, facilitated discussions to create shared understanding and support.
RC and AD Training will look a little different as we move into 2022. RC Training now consists of 3 components with an additional component for Area Directors:
- Part 1 – RC/AD Training Online Pre-Course – available on AYSOU under ONLINE COURSES/MANAGEMENT COURSES. This Pre-Course contains a review of key information and material that will be used in the Live Virtual Sessions. The course includes pre-work assignments for the Live Sessions which will confirm and finalize your completed RC Training certification. You may take this course at any time; however, it must be concluded prior to signing up for the Live Sessions.
- Part 2 – A Live, 4 Hour Virtual Session – The Live Virtual Zoom sessions are offered on designated Saturdays from 1:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. EST, 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. PST. Registration for Part 2 of RC Training, the Live Virtual Sessions, is available on this page and requires a credit card payment of $75 (includes an RC/AD Polo shirt). Attendance is only required for one complete Live Virtual Session.
- Part 3 – A Live, Virtual Session with your Area Director – This session will review fiduciary responsibilities as well as support and resources available to meet Region goals for providing the best programming for the local communities.
- Part 4 – A Live, Virtual Session with your Section Director (For Area Directors)– This session reviews the fiduciary responsibilities and Area support needed to help Regions meet their identified goals for providing the best programming for local communities while building stronger AYSO programming across the Area and Section.

The Online Pre-Course and Work Assignments must be completed by Monday morning before the Saturday Live Session. Registrants who have not completed the Pre-Course work will be re-assigned to another Live Session to accommodate any wait-list attendees. We will do our best to accommodate everyone. Participation and interactions are also staged on the BAND APP throughout the week leading up to the Live Session.
The Virtual Live Sessions will be hosted using Zoom and require a computer, laptop or tablet with a camera and microphone. Uninterrupted, high speed internet access for approximately 4 hours in a dedicated space with no distractions is required for the best possible experience. A separate phone or tablet is also required for participation in some of the interactive activities and challenges. Attendees will be required to be on camera at all times, except for breaks.
Please register for the Virtual RC Training Part 2 below.